Friday, November 14, 2008

Embarrassing Moment of the Day

I walked all the way home with my backpack fully unzipped. Not so much a "moment" as a "15 minutes".


oohgravity said...

mine was when i accidentally sent an email to the wrong person because my ctrl+C function does not work sometimes and it pastes the last thing i copied instead of the new thing. so i emailed this lady who i was talking about diabetes with... about a babysitting position that i should have been emailing someone else about. blahhhhhh

Hannah said...

sooo embarrassing. but think of it like you're getting yourself out there. now more people know you babysit and you will get more babysitting jobs and make tons of money and be able to buy a house right next to hanson then flutter your eyelashes and get isaacs attention! you're lucky. my story just gets me weird looks and people thinking things like "well she probably has a good personality"