Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Complain About Something Else


(I also heard of a sign that says CHICKENS HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN GAY PEOPLE.  Yes, fine.  Prop 2 went through.  But if I were to make a sign it would say CHICKEN FARMERS HAVE LESS RIGHTS THAN GAY PEOPLE OR CHICKENS FOR THAT MATTER.  But let me step onto a different soap box...)

I thought this election was over.  But apparently there was a small discrepancy with proposition 8.  Maybe you’ve heard of it.  It’s the one that “keeps the definition of marriage” and “upholds Christian moral values.”  And if it doesn’t go through it will “change the education system” and “your children will learn that homosexuality is okay.”  Wow.  That single prop can sure do a lot.  But let’s be honest, without changing the California constitution to say that marriage is between a man and a woman, things will stay the same way they’ve been.  Our little drawings in elementary school text books will remain:  a white man standing next to a white woman, a white son, a white daughter and a golden retriever in front of a one story house with a chimney. 

Voters, or rather current protesters, against prop 8 don’t have much better arguments either. They call this prop the “unfair proposition.”  This is the most unconvincing argument.  I feel like I’m listening to a bunch of whining six year olds.  I voted no on prop 8, but for different reasons.  I’m all for equal rights for everyone, but that’s not why I voted against the government taking the role as God, distributing and taking away rights to anyone it pleases. The rights we have are innate.  The government is not in place to give or steal rights, but to protect the ones we inherently possess. 

I had no idea the Christian Right had such a strong vote in California either.  Or maybe it was because of all the new registered voters who are apparently homophobic.  But why are people protesting and rallying a few days after the election?  They are campaigning the farthest away from the next voting season.  Whose attention are they trying to get?  Not the voters’, because they aren’t going to the polls anytime soon.  Then is it Schawrzenegger’s?  If you keep up all this complaining he just might become one of those new Republicans who aren’t Republicans at all.  He’ll become as big as government can get and take away everyone’s rights:  “Now if you guys don’t be quiet then none of you can get married!”  Well that’s a little counter productive. No one would be able to marry anyone, not even heterosexuals.  All you ring-by-spring folk out there will only have civil unions to look forward to.  Then think of what that will do to the economy!  Think of everyone who would go out of business:  the florists, David’s Bridal, chair companies, invitation printers, and our friend Elvis Presley at the wedding chapel in Vegas. That wouldn’t be “fair” to anyone. 

Since the campaigning season is over, let’s try to get back to those days I remember, when the beginning of our conversations didn’t begin with “Hi friend, how ‘bout them propositions?” Let’s think about when they will begin with, “Hi comrade, how ‘bout them bread lines?”  There are more important things to worry about right now than propositions that might be on the ballot in 2010.  Let’s talk about our current issues, like the radio “Fairness Doctrine” our president-elect is planning to implement.  Let’s focus our energy on neither the recent past nor the far future, but on the present times.  We just elected the most symbolic president our country has ever seen. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Embarrassing Moment of the Day

I walked all the way home with my backpack fully unzipped. Not so much a "moment" as a "15 minutes".

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Elle avait pris ce pli

I'm a sucker for a good poem. But only the really really good ones. My favorite happens to be in French, and when translated doesn't make me tear up or anything. So, I'll leave it be. Basically, Victor Hugo wrote this poem about his favorite daughter who drowned. I know it's depressing, but...so it goes.


Elle avait pris ce pli dans son âge enfantin
De venir dans ma chambre un peu chaque matin;
Je l'attendais ainsi qu'un rayon qu'on espère;
Elle entrait et disait : -Bonjour, mon petit père;-
Prenait ma plume, ouvrait mes livres, s'asseyait
Sur mon lit, dérangeait mes papiers, et riait,
Puis soudain s'en allait comme un oiseau qui passe.
Alors, je reprenais, la tête un peu moins lasse,
Mon oeuvre interrompue, et, tout en écrivant,
Parmi mes manuscrits je rencontrais souvent
Quelque arabesque folle et qu'elle avait tracée,
Et mainte page blanche entre ses mains froissée
Où, je ne sais comment, venaient mes plus doux vers.
Elle aimait Dieu, les fleurs, les astres, les prés verts,
Et c'était un esprit avant d'être une femme.
Son regard reflétait la clarté de son âme.
Elle me consultait sur tout à tous les moments.
Oh! que de soirs d'hiver radieux et charmants,
Passés à raisonner langue, histoire et grammaire,
Mes quatre enfants groupés sur mes genoux, leur mère
Tout près, quelques amis causant au coin du feu!
J'appelais cette vie être content de peu!
Et dire qu'elle est morte! hélas! que Dieu m'assiste!
Je n'étais jamais gai quand je la sentais triste;
J'étais morne au milieu du bal le plus joyeux
Si j'avais, en partant, vu quelque ombre en ses yeux.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

These two people are alright

I have the most beautiful sister.  Her and Andrew got engaged about a month ago and I couldn't be happier. 
These pictures were taken by Samuel Lippke and I think he did an amazing job at capturing the Andrew and Ellen essence.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Silly People

I went to another Objectivist lecture on Wednesday.  I would post about it, but I've been talking about politics way too much lately.  All I will say is I really enjoyed it, but I regretfully had to miss my TaeKwonDo class.
Last night at work a group of six very drunk people came in to eat some sushi.  I think it's very rude to show up to a restaurant already hammered.  They were pretty nice, except when they were ordering drinks.  One guy asked for a martini, but I told him we don't have a full bar.  Apparently this made him mad because he said "You're an asshole."  Well, I wasn't expecting that.  Now, I know he was drunk and I know he was kidding.  But he didn't say "sorry" or "just joking" or anything.  He just looked down to his menu and ordered a beer instead.  Fine.
Then today I was riding my bike to drop off movies at Blockbuster.  Just riding along.  Then this big bro truck drives by and yells at me.  I'm not exactly sure what he said.  All I heard was "(something something) fucking fixie, whore!"  Hm.  Okay.  Well, judging by his word choices, I don't think he was commending me on my excellent bike riding skills.  But I'm not sure what I did to upset him.  First of all, I don't think he was drunk because it was one 'o clock in the afternoon.  But if he was drunk this early in the day, I wouldn't be mad at him.  I wouldn't even pity him.  I'd just feel rather superior, to be quite honest.  Second of all, my bike isn't even a fixie!  It's a ten-speed!  And I use my gears, too.  If I didn't I wouldn't be able to get up that steep hill to get out of my complex.  And you know what, let's give this a third of all:  I did not look like a whore.  Not one bit.  I was wearing jeans, a wal-mart t-shirt and glasses.  I don't know what neighborhood he's from, but his red-light district must be very conservative.  
I didn't take either of these incidents personally or anything.  I was just shocked.  I don't understand how anyone can be so rude.  To conclude:  don't call me names because I will tell everyone about it and you will look just silly.    
Speaking of silly, Erin and I dressed like silly people for Halloween.  We watched Evil Dead and made cake.  It was loads of fun.