Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Bunch of Junk No One Cares About

Is it weird that I feel guilty about not posting?  Especially when my valuable time is being spent on fun stuff like homework?  Yes.  I do have a few things to say though.  Nothing profound.

1)  I am scared of the squirrels in our complex.  The other day I played Chicken with this vicious one every time I walked back and forth from my door while doing laundry.  I won.  But I was very frightened.  And from my squeals I am probably deemed the pansy on the block.

2)  I hate horrible teachers.  Why am I paying someone to read to me from a book that I purchased for $120?  (Actually, that's a lie.  I paid $3.50 for the same book on www.half.com.  But everyone else paid $120.)  You know a teacher is bad when you ask a question and her answer only confuses you more.  "Do you understand now?"  "Um, no."  She explains again.  Then, "Now do you understand?"  "Um...I'll just read it in the book."

3)  I'm sick of this election.  I'm sick of watching a man in a red tie and a man in a blue tie ultimately promising the same disaster for us all.  I just want my freedoms.  Is that so much to ask?  I just want my innate rights to be protected from a small government.  Simple, I think.  (While we're on the subject, I've gone and confused myself and started looking at Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate.  I found myself nodding along to his entire website.  My neck hurt.  But it was a nice change from shaking my head frantically at Obama's and even McCain's sites.)  So yeah, I want November 4th of 2008 to be gone.  But, I don't want to skip October 31...which brings me to...

4)  I love Halloween.  Might be my favorite holiday.  My roommates and another friend were all going to dress up like The Golden Girls (I was going to be Sofia) but they bailed.  I guess they weren't down for dressing like frumpy old ladies.  I can't wait to be a real frumpy old lady.  In real life.  I can complain all I want and I won't be considered negative, but quite endearing.  

5)  I don't know.  I feel there should be a 5th one.  Um.  Oh.  I really want to make movies.  Forever.  Oh damn, I thought of a 6th one now.  I  guess this one goes along with the movie theme.  I just watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail for my first time.  I know.  I don't know who was keeping it from me for 20 years.  Damn it!  I thought of another one!  But this goes with movies, too.  So don't worry.  I watched The Purple Rose of Cairo again this past weekend.  It has officially moved into my top 3 movies list.  I love it so much.  I was smiling through the entire movie like some dumb child.  Except in the end.  The end is sad.  But that's life, you know?  

To wrap up, I hope you didn't read this.  It was terribly boring.  I apologize.  


Adam said...

I am a big fan of Woody's, but I haven't seen "The Purple Rose of Cairo" yet. I know that it's one of his favorites. ("Match Point," I think, is his own pick for the best film he's ever made.) Personally, my favorite film of his is "Hannah and Her Sisters," although I also dig "Another Woman" and "Vicky Cristina Barcelona." He's a true master at what he does, and, let's be honest, as long as people like him make movies, the rest of us will actually have a reason to avoid wanting to stick our head in the oven after watching something lame.

Hannah said...

Woody is amazing. But since he's so prolific I wonder if some of his films have experienced a neglect for quality.

Top movies of Woody's: Purple Rose of Cairo, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Annie Hall.

Adam said...

A lot of people agree with you that his films don't always live up to the standard that his best work has set for him. I'm curious though: if one was to take any of his "minor" films, after being told that someone else had made the film, would they have a different opinion? Would the person who they believed had made the film be viewed as a great new talent? It's a possibility.

Personally, I find his films to be very inspiring to me as a writer, and I can only dream of being half as gifted with the great ideas that he seems to come up with so easily. On the other hand, I've found that only a few of his films have really connected with me on a personal/emotional level. For example, "Annie Hall," which everyone seems to love, didn't do much for me. I mean, it was ok, but that was about it. On the other hand, "Hannah and Her Sisters" hit all the right notes and meant a lot to me on a personal level. I'm certainly looking forward to watching "The Purple Rose of Cairo." Unfortunately, my local Blockbuster(s) don't carry it. Of course, they have a gazillion copies of "Transformers." Oh, angels and ministers of grace, defend us . . .

Hannah said...

I haven't seen a lot of his films. But I can really appreciate the way he experiences with the simple things that go into film making, such as breaking the fourth wall several times throughout Annie Hall. Also, Stardust Memories was definitely, uh, innovative. And I don't think I would have been able to sit through it if it wasn't Woody's. It's like I knew he was going to make it all come together some how and I just had to wait it out.

I originally saw The Purple Rose in some random theater in LA and then could never find anywhere that rented it out or even sold it. So i finally bought it online. I can let you borrow it if you want.