Monday, February 22, 2010


I am ashamed to admit that I have been doing it wrong this entire time. My intimidation. My power. Exhaling air from my lungs. Are there really a right and a wrong way to do this? Yes, apparently. And I've been going two years yelling like a fool.

In Taekwondo, it is called the "ki-up" (spelling?). You ki-up on certain strikes and blocks, in an arcade game way that makes your white uniform and colored belt look more legit. Adding that extra "ahh!" in there can do wonders for your confidence and appearance of your form.

Except when you ki-up wrong.

When I was first taught the meaning and purpose of the ki-up, I had already heard my old roommate practicing her forms and one-steps with her own unique ki-up included. I just thought hers was the way to go. When I said my first ki-up, it was uncomfortable, embarrassing even. But I still thought you were supposed to say "ki-up!!" really loudly. Apparently that is not the case.

Recently, I went to a beginners class to make up an absence. The instructor was explaining the ki-up to the white belts. It is a Korean word that means "yell". Wait, what? I'm not supposed to say ki-up? Ki-up is just another word, not an exclamation? No, my dear.

What I've been doing, screaming ki-up at particular strikes, is the same as screaming in English, "YELL!"


"Everyone yell for the new president!"


Or another:

"Let's cheer for the basketball team!"


Does everyone see why I should be humiliated?

I changed my ki-up right away, but every time I do it (now it sounds more like "haaagghhh") I laugh out loud, complete nullifying any intimidation I was planning to arouse.

Perhaps I will just go back to the "ki-up". I'm more comfortable with it. And maybe the judges will be more lenient on me during testing because they will think I am special.

NOTE: I am almost positive that you are not supposed to actually say "ki-up". When the instructor was explaining it in that beginners class, I was too ashamed to ask, especially since I was the highest belt in there. My Taekwondo reader, please enlighten me.

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