Sunday, September 21, 2008

Experiencing the Other

I'm a white girl and I work at a sushi restaurant.  Normally, no one points out that I'm the only blonde in the entire building.  I don't think it's that weird.  Our restaurant isn't super authentic or anything.  The owner is Korean and there are only a few Japanese people who work there.  
But tonight, this one drunk woman couldn't stop talking about how I wasn't, you know, asian.  Her husband pokes her and whispers, "Ask her.  Ask her."  
"Excuse me.  Why do you work here?"  
"I'm sorry?"  I'm a little confused.
"How did you start working here?"
I know what she means but I ask, "What do you mean?"
"You're not Japanese."
A revelation.  Everything is clear to me now.  My life makes much more sense now that I know that I'm white.
I push up my glasses and try to explain, "Actually, there are only a couple people here that are Japanese.  Everyone else is Korean or Vietnamese."
She thinks I don't understand.  "No.  You're not...asian."  Now, here's what gets me.  She actually whispers "asian."  Is it a crime to be asian?  I am thoroughly baffled at this point.  After a glass of wine and three beers, I can understand why  she's so talkative.  But when she says this I'm thinking she thinks I don't know I'm not asian and everyone else who is asian doesn't know that they are.  I leave her comment a little open ended so she understands what she is saying.  But she doesn't.  We proceed to talk about why I must have some asian roots or something, and I'm just reconnecting.  
"But you're a very smart girl.  You look very smart."
"Actually, I am smart."
"Yes.  I can tell.  I can tell you have a strong emotional intelligence."
Acting like I know what this means I thank her.  
I tried to avoid her the rest of the night but she was sitting right where I had to pick up the food from the chefs, so she always caught me.  She told me how she is part Portuguese and that she can get up and salsa dance right now.  I was not going to stop her.  Unfortunately, she stayed in her seat.  
I walked away after she told me I'm experiencing reverse discrimination.  Thanks for thinking I'm special and all, but I really don't think I'm being discriminated against.  Also, why on earth is it called reverse discrimination?  As if the only race that can discriminate against other races is white?  
Sometimes people get disappointed when they don't have an asian waiting on them, especially an asian girl.  She is thought of to be exotic and submissive and they'd rather her bring them a spicy tuna roll than a dorky blonde girl with glasses.  It's ridiculous but true.  Why is there no second thought when a non-white person works at a burger joint?  
And it's bizarre to me how many people clump all asian ethnicities together.  Just as long as they are considered "other than."  

(Don't try to get this from the OCC Library, because I have it right now.  But try back on September 30.)

1 comment:

halloweeninthesea said...

lol. Ignorant people just tickle me.