Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I have developed a legitimate, irrational fear of squirrels.  How can something be legitimate and irrational at the same time?  Not just any fear is irrational.  Let's define phobia, which is pretty much synonymous with the term in question:

Etymology: Gk, phobos, fear
an obsessive, irrational, and intense fear of a specific object, such as an animal or dirt; of an activity, such as meeting strangers or leaving the familiar setting of the home; or of a physical situation, such as heights and open or closed spaces. Typical manifestations of phobia include faintness, fatigue, palpitations, perspiration, nausea, tremor, and panic.

When I see a squirrel at my complex my heart nearly leaps out of my chest and races me up the stairs to my door.  I scream and squeal like a girl who is just trying to get attention.  It's terribly embarrassing.  This has resulted in my being self-conscious of that fact which will probably lead to a social phobia where I am constantly afraid that a squirrel will enter the room or my line of vision or the car or whatnot.  I will then revert to my original irrational fear and go berserk over the squirrel, whether one has actually entered into close enough proximity, close enough for me to see its bushy tail and beady eyes and curled hands acting like they're holding a nut or acorn even when there's nothing there!

I have a phobia of my phobia.  Maybe I'll move.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today, after I bagged up a customer's groceries, we made eye contact and he said, "Coolio."

He was in his forties.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dreams don't mean a damn thing

Last night I had a dream I was dating Johnny Knoxville.  Together we were planning arts, crafts, and activities for a day care trip to the jungle.  I asked him how his Jackass movies were going.  He told me that the UN had to shut him down because he was too dangerous.